The present privacy policy defines and informs you of the manner in which the website uses and protects any personal data that may be collected.

Boulev’Art Design operates the website.


You may visit the website without disclosing any personal data about yourself or a third party. In this case, you are under no obligation to transmit this information to BOULEV’ART DESIGN. In this case it is not possible for you to make purchases directly on the site or to fill in the contact form.

In the case of creating a personal space on you are expected to enter certain personal information: last name, first name, delivery address, billing address and telephone number. In this case, BOULEV’ART DESIGN may collect and process personal data about you. BOULEV’ART DESIGN declares that it is committed to respecting the privacy of its customers, prospects and visitors to its websites, mobiles and mobile applications. All personal data processing carried out within the framework of the accessible services complies with the provisions and legislation in force in France and, more generally, the European Union.

The BOULEV’ART DESIGN company by operating the website declares to be in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation RGPD, as well as the law of June 20, 2018 on the protection of personal data in France.

In fact, since June 1, 2019, the law of January 6, 1978, known as « Informatique et Libertés », has been in force in a new wording. In particular, it includes the provisions relating to the « national leeway » authorized by the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD) that the legislator has chosen to exercise, as well as the measures transposing the « police-justice » directive into French law.

In this case you benefit from the general provisions listed in the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD)such as the right of rectification, right to erasure, right to limitation of processing, right of opposition

The right to object is understood as being the possibility offered to Internet users to refuse that their personal information be used for certain purposes mentioned at the time of collection.

The right of withdrawal is understood to be the possibility offered to Internet users of requesting that their personal information no longer appears, for example, on a mailing list.

If you have any queries regarding the processing of your personal data, please send a request via the contact form on the website or to the following e-mail address:

You can also contact us without leaving your personal details. In this case, please use the telephone number displayed on our website. If the services on sale are not available. You can request information or advice.

The website may contain links to other websites (e.g. facebook, Linkedin…) or to one of its partners. The applicable information practices and content of these sites are subject to the privacy statement of said sites. BOULEV’ART DESIGN is not responsible for data processing on these sites. You have the option of browsing or refusing access to these sites.

For more information on your rights, please visit:


The website is hosted by OVH Cloud, SAS with capital of €10,174,560RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045

Code APE 2620Z

VAT NO.: FR 22 424 761 419

Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

The website has been designed to guarantee computer security. It uses the https protocol, https standing for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. This is the secure version of the http protocol. All data on an https site is secured by strong SSL encryption – Secure Socket Layer – which makes it difficult for a hacker to intrude, adding an extra layer of protection to your site.


The personal data you may communicate to us is mainly used to send you information about our offers and services, commercial information, news and events, and our newsletters.

Your data may also be analyzed to match our information, notifications, offers and other services to your interests.


Only BOULEV’ART DESIGN staff and any subcontractors or suppliers may access your personal data in order to carry out the services described above.

The transmission of this personal data to a third party is forbidden except in the case of an order placed on the site with a third party. In this case, we will transmit your data to our supplier for processing your order.

BOULEV’ART DESIGN will not use your personal data for any purpose other than that described above, such as selling or marketing.


Cookies, also known as tracers, are files containing small amounts of information that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website.

These cookies are used to store information about your browsing and improve your user experience by offering you services or offers that match your interests. You can modify or refuse their use at any time by configuring your Internet browser.

By configuring your Internet browser, you consent to the implementation and use of cookies.

You always have the option of modifying the management of your cookies, and in particular deleting these files, by accessing your browser settings. If you are unable to do this, you can contact us to guide you through the process.

Some cookies are necessary to use the site or the services offered. These cookies do not collect any personal data and the information stored cannot be used for commercial purposes. Refusal of these cookies may block access to certain services offered by the site.

Performance cookies enable us to optimize our website. They may also alert us to certain technical problems you may encounter, so that we can correct them.

Marketing cookies can inform us about the way you navigate the website. Among other things, they enable us to improve your shopping experience. They can tell us what pages you visit, what searches you make and how you shop. You have the option of refusing these cookies.

For further information, please visit, cookies section.