Article 1. Presentation of the Parties

Boulev’Art Design, the trading name of SKY LINK, a company registered in the Paris Trade Register under number Paris B792 199 218, hereinafter referred to as « the company », is the publisher of the website, hereinafter referred to as « the site ».

Boulevartdesign is a protected trademark registered at Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle.

The user is a private individual or a professional. It is understood that the provisions of the French Consumer Code do not apply, with certain exceptions, to professionals acting as such. Hereinafter referred to as the User

Article 2. Purpose of the Terms of Use

The purpose of these General Conditions of Use (GCU) is to define the terms and conditions for using and browsing the website. This includes visiting the site, consulting the various pages, consulting the legal notices, registration and, more generally, any section published under the domain name.

Article 3. Acceptance of terms of use

Access to and use of the site are subject to acceptance of and compliance with the present Terms of Use.

The publisher has the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, the site and services as well as the present Terms of Use, in particular to adapt to the evolution of the site by adding new functionalities or removing or modifying existing ones.

The user is therefore advised to consult the latest version of the GCU, which can be accessed at any time on the site, before browsing. In the event of disagreement with the GCU, the user will not be able to use the site.

Article 4. Hosting

This site is hosted by OVH Cloud

SAS with capital of €10,174,560

RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045

APE code 2620Z

VAT NO.: FR 22 424 761 419

Head office: 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Chairman: Michel Paulin

OVH SAS is a subsidiary of OVH Groupe SA, a company registered in the Lille Trade and Companies Register under number 537 407 926, with its registered office at 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France.

In addition, OVH undertakes to ensure the levels of Service relating to the availability of the Dedicated Server and to intervention and recovery times, as described on the OVH Website.

If for any reason the service is rendered unavailable through the fault of the host, an error message will be displayed during browsing to warn users. This does not affect the order management process. The user is invited to renew his request for access to the site.

Article 5. Access and browsing

The website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the Internet in PC, MAC, tablet or smartphone versions.

In order to update or modify content, the publisher may temporarily suspend access. In this case, the customer will not be entitled to claim any prejudice linked to this temporary suspension. This suspension in no way affects orders already placed. During an update, we recommend that customers check prices again to see if they have increased or decreased.

The editor makes every effort to guarantee access to the site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, it may at any time suspend, limit or interrupt access to the site or to certain pages of it in order to carry out updates, modifications to its content or any other action deemed necessary for the proper operation of the site.

Access to and browsing of the site are free and without obligation to purchase. Only the purchase of products or services is subject to payment, in accordance with the conditions laid down.

To access certain services and make a purchase, the customer must accept the Terms and Conditions of Use and the General Terms and Conditions of Sale. They must also provide data enabling them to be identified and invoiced. This data is processed in accordance with our privacy policy, which is mentioned on our website.

Article 6. Registration and Personal Area

By registering, the user agrees to provide accurate, correct and up-to-date information about his/her identity and civil status. In addition, the user is obliged to check his/her data regularly to ensure that it is accurate.

The user must then provide a valid e-mail address to which the site will send confirmation of his or her registration for services. The e-mail address can only be used once to register for services. In addition, only one registration per individual is authorized.

All communications sent by BOULEVARTDESIGN and its partners will be considered to have been received and read by the user. The User therefore undertakes to regularly examine messages received at this e-mail address and, if necessary, to reply within a reasonable period of time.

The user will receive a connection code which will enable him/her to access the personal area reserved for him/her and to enter his/her password.

Users can change their login and password online in their personal area. The password is personal and confidential and the User agrees not to divulge it to a third party.

BOULEVARTDESIGN reserves the right to reject any request for registration to the Services in all cases where the User does not comply with the provisions of these Terms of Use.

Article 7. Unsubscription

Registered users may unsubscribe from the website at any time. In this case, they will no longer be able to access their personal space. However, we strongly advise customers whose orders have not yet been delivered or whose withdrawal period has not yet expired to unsubscribe from the site in order to avoid any complications related to the order.

BOULEVARTDESIGN reserves the right to delete the personal space of any User who contravenes the present conditions of use and sale, or who transmits erroneous information. No compensation can be claimed in this case and orders in progress will be reimbursed in full.

This deletion does not constitute a waiver of any legal action that the publisher may take against any User who contravenes these rules.

Article 8. External links

The website may contain links to other websites (for example: facebook, Linkedin…), or one of its partners, over which BOULEVARTDESIGN has no control. The information practices and content of these sites are subject to the privacy statement of said sites. BOULEVARTDESIGN is not responsible for the data processing of these sites. You have the option of browsing or refusing access to these sites.

Article 9. Data protection

The data collected by the website whether via the contact form or when creating the personal space are kept confidential in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation RGPD).

For more information please consult our privacy policy

Article 10. Cookies

Cookies are files containing small amounts of information that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website.

These cookies are used to store information about your browsing and improve your user experience by offering you services or offers that match your interests. You can modify or refuse their use at any time by configuring your Internet browser.

By configuring your Internet browser, you consent to the implementation and use of cookies.

You always have the option of modifying the management of your cookies, and in particular deleting these files, by accessing your browser settings. If you are unable to do this, you can contact us to guide you through the process.

Some cookies are necessary to use the site or the services offered. These cookies do not collect any personal data and the information stored cannot be used for commercial purposes. Refusal of these cookies may block access to certain services offered by the site.

Performance cookies enable us to optimize our website. They may also alert us to certain technical problems you may encounter, so that we can correct them.

Marketing cookies can inform us about the way you navigate the website. Among other things, they enable us to improve your shopping experience. They can tell us what pages you visit, what searches you make and how you shop. You have the option of refusing these cookies.

For further information, please visit, cookies section.

Article 11. Liability

The publisher is only responsible for the content it has itself published on its website or on an attached advertising platform in the media and social networks.

The publisher is not liable:

– In the event of fraudulent use or use without the publisher’s consent of any brand, product or production of the company without the latter’s knowledge, such as illicit content or activities using the site in question.

– In the event of damage caused by misuse of the website.

Furthermore, the site does not guarantee 100% accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information provided. Unintentional errors may occur in the content. In such cases, the user may not claim any form of compensation; he/she may, however, exercise the rights granted to him/her, such as the right of retraction or unsubscription.